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Data Collection process




Public transport poses a daily challenge in Addis Ababa, particularly for women. Global data highlights issues such as harassment and overcrowding, but specific data for Addis Ababa is lacking. This information gap makes it challenging to develop effective solutions to improve women's safety.

This project, organized by the Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative (TUMI) and the Digital Transport for Africa (DT4A) initiative at WRI, seeks to empower residents of Addis Ababa by directly capturing women's lived experiences. Through participatory mapping and data collection, teams will identify usage patterns, challenges, and preferences, translating this data into impactful maps and visualizations. The project aims to inform policy and planning initiatives, ultimately driving action towards safer, more equitable, and accessible public transport for all.


There are different forms of harassment

A, Physical Harassment

Example: Inappropriate touching or groping

B, Sexual Harassment

Engaging in sexually suggestive gestures

C, Verbal Harassment

Using derogatory or offensive language

D, Stalking

Stalking is a pattern of behavior directed at a specific individual that causes fear or distress

E, Discrimination

Discrimination refers to the unfair or unequal treatment of individuals or groups based on certain characteristics such as race, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, disability, or other protected characteristics.


1, Encourage the use of public transport by empowering the female

Increase the frequency and reliability of public transport service to accommodate the needs of female passenger, particularly those with caregiving responsibilities

2, Make public transport affordable and financially accessible for female passengers

Offer discounted fairs or special passes for women, particularly those from marginized communities

3, Create a safe and secure environment to instill confidence in female passengers>

Enhance safety measures like lighting, surveillance and emergency assistance systems

Data Collection

General View of Data Collectors

Our data collection team, comprising five dedicated individuals, played a crucial role in the success of our endeavor. These individuals demonstrated exceptional diligence, attention to detail, and a commitment to accuracy throughout the data collection process. Equipped with the necessary training and guided by standardized protocols, our data collectors ensured the integrity and reliability of the data collected.

Utilizing KOBO TOOLBOX, a powerful data collection software, our team efficiently captured and managed diverse datasets with ease.

Collected Data Quantity by Adey Group

20 Station Surveys (32.2% from total)

These surveys encompassed comprehensive assessments conducted at various stations, providing valuable insights into key parameters and variables.


110 Segment Surveys (42.3% from total)

Focused on specific segments of interest, these surveys delved deeper into targeted areas, offering nuanced perspectives and detailed analyses.


198 User Surveys (30.5% from total)

Centered on user experiences and feedback, these surveys captured valuable insights into preferences, behaviors, and perceptions, enriching our understanding of user dynamics.

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